Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This Crazy Thing Called Love.

To inscribe the word "little" between "crazy" and "thing" would not only amount to plagiarizing Freddie Mercury's international hit of the same title, but would also have the effect of belittling the impact love has always unleashed as a ferocious force on the lives of mortals and immortals. This thing called love is a grave mental disease and to completely wish it away as non-existent would mean calling forth a new terminology to take its place. The cynical mind would suggest the word "lust."
I do however, as a matter of fact, acknowledge the possibility and existence of love unaccompanied by lust, i.e, love in its innermost essence; love as the opposite of hate or fear. But this is far from being the propeller of action when we consider yesterday's bloodbath at the Virginia Tech University. A jilted lover, Cho Seung-Hui, armed with two 9mm handguns decided to snuff out the lives of 32 fellow students including his ex's and her new lover's, before turning the gun on himself.
This incident also calls to mind the escapade of Lisa Marie Novak an astronaut who drove 900 miles and donned a disguise to confront a woman she believed was her rival for the affections of a space shuttle pilot. She was also armed: with a BB gun, pepper spray, a steel mallet and a 4 inch folding knife.
We have also read and heard stories about unfaithful lovers being given acid baths. And to imagine that I would have also been involved in such a show of shame had I found a suitable weapon is a prospect that now fills me with so much trepidation. It was a saturday and I had told my girlfriend I would be working on that day. Wanting to give her a big surprise and also to find out if she was really faithful, I boarded a train from Berlin to Lübeck, a city close to Hamburg. I chatted her up on the phone and also sent a lot of SMSs all with a view to diverting her attention from my intention. And she even made it known that she missed me so much on that day. Just about 500 metres to her house I called to ask what she was doing and she said she would be going out later in the day. When I got to her house, everywhere was locked and her car was outside. I knocked and knocked and knocked until my knuckles got bruised. I started looking around for a metal object with which to break the glass door open. It was at that instant she came from the bath, dripping with water, to open the door.
How would I have explained my action if I had shattered the glass door? That would have been the mother of irrationality just as the Trojan war is the mother of wars fought for the sake of a woman.There is something called male jealousy. There is also female jealousy. "O! beware, my friends, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on." In the case of Novak her jealousy made her to behave irrationally when all she had going was less than a romantic relationship with the space shuttle pilot.
In antiquity, the most peaceful societies were those in which groups of men possessed groups of women in common, the primary purpose of which was to be mutual companionship, sexual pleasure and love. Every woman belonged equally to every man and, similarly, every man to every woman. The likes of Lisa Marie Novak and Cho Seung-Hui, the South Korean who, yesterday, turned the Virginia Tech campus into a battlefield, would have been personae non gratae in such societies where fluttering the dovecotes was a taboo. There is always a certain madness in love. But also there is always a certain method in madness.
What is love? Is love a four-letter word that deceives the air?. Men fight their own battles, not for others, and not for gain. And certainly not for the love of a woman. Any fool knows there are many women, there for the taking. Not to worry. When access is denied to a private resort that used to be your playing ground and whose landscape you have surveyed and over-surveyed, there is no need to pine away within the clutches of desperate infatuation, or to take the law into your hands. Discover other virgin resorts.


At 17.4.07, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Women fight their own battles too.
Not for others, and not for gain. Only for love.
Any fool knows, there are many men, there for taking.
Granting lust, no love.
Not every virgin resort keeps love for you.

At 5.4.09, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Omoghare?
Looking for another virgin resort again?


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